The Creative Creation

November 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

The Creative Creation, a Christian book for children in grades pre-k through 3,  was written by Denise Davidson Mistich, author of The Great Majestic Fortress.  Coming soon!  In the meantime, tell your friends we’ll be sharing stories about Tommy and the wonderful lessons he learns in the Story Time Blog.

The Creative Creation Children’s Book

The Creative Creation

New Children’s Book Coming Soon!

Tommy’s excitement was overwhelming as he finished packing for his getaway on Grandma and Grandpa’s farm.  His mom and dad were also excited and somewhat nervous as they prepared for the arrival of Tommy’s baby sister!

After throwing a few necessary items into his suitcase, Tommy ate his favorite breakfast with his mom. Soon, it was off to the country for Tommy and off to the hospital for Mom.

Tommy had many plans for his trip: skip rocks on the pond, catch frogs, milk the cow and gather eggs with Grandma.  He also planned to ask the question, “Grandpa, where do babies really come from?”

Tommy did not plan, however, for Grandpa’s answer to include the things we say and do to others, the earth and how well we take care of it, our prayer life and wisdom from God!

The Creative Creation Series

  1. Chapter One: The Oogie Boogies 

  2. Chapter Two: The Bad Yucky Monday 

  3. Chapter Three: The Wise Man 

  4. Chapter Four: Recycling, Garbage and Babies?
  5. Chapter Five: Going for the Gold!

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