The Best Books - Book Reviews


The best books are hard to find sometimes and there are loads of good reads out there. The Best Books - Book Reviews is the section of our site where authors and teachers will review and comment on books for kids and adults. This is a new section, so check back often for our suggestions for the best books for you and your family.

Our focus is helping our readers find the best books, and the best Indie Authors find readers.

The Best Books on Apple Pie Books

Apple Pie Books reviews and descriptions are listed on the site under Books for Kids. We have a hand-picked selection covering the body, mind and soul.

Submit Your Book

If you are an author and would like your books included in The Best Books  section, please contact us. We are currently reviewing Christian stories for kids and adults. We also review other wholesome, fun and healthy books for kids.


Some of the best books aren’t always at the top of the list in Amazon and you might be missing out. Check out The Children’s Book Review for some great reads also.

Book Review Rating System

Our priority is to find books with a valuable message. Our book review rating system is available here.

We review and list the best books for kids.

Price: Get reviews

 Posted by at 9:21 pm
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