Book Reviews

Book reviews for kids by authors and teachers. Find the best books for kids here!

Book Review Rating System


Our purpose is to help readers and authors connect. We provide professional reviews, mainly for indie authors that try to help the readers determine if the book is right for them. With that in mind, as of January, 2013, our new rating system is as follows: 1: This was not my personal favorite, but it [...]

 Posted by at 5:56 pm No Responses »
Jan 112013

Machine of God, by D. A. Metrov, grabs its readers and holds them captive throughout a fantastical journey. Fasten your seat belts before you climb aboard this Machine. Prepare to be whisked away. Leonardo Da Vinci designs the ultimate vehicle for traveling over land, water and sea. Together with the love of his life, friends [...]

 January 11, 2013  Posted by at 5:43 pm Uncategorized, Young Adult Tagged with:  No Responses »