Mar 062013

Your Magical Laugh, written and illustrated by Daniel Bulleri, is one of the sweetest books we’ve reviewed for the Best Books-Book Reviews site so far and we proudly announce Daniel is now a part of the Kids Book Group.

Children hear so much negative information about themselves and others. They also hear what NOT to do quite often throughout each day. I think this uplifting, encouraging little rhyming book counters some of that negativity by teaching them to be happy, and share that happiness with others.  It’s a plus that kids really love the illustrations. Students in grades K through 3 actually cheered for Bulleri’s super-hero pup when I presented this book to them.

The following description is copied from Daniel’s website:

Your Magical Laugh, my first book for kids, was written for some of the most important people in my life, my children.

Their laughter brings so much happiness to my ears, I wanted to find a way to encourage them and other children to hold on to it.  Share it. Make other people happy with it.

Thus, the book for kids, Your Magical Laugh.

It’s true our actions have a lasting impact on the people around us. It’s true we can help others and encourage them with a smile. Why not teach our children this simple, yet profound truth at an early age?

Scroll down and check out my video trailer if you would like a sneak preview!


Your Magical Laugh is available in paperback and electronic formats.

I hope you read this book  to your kids. Encourage them to use their gift of laughter to help others.


Book Reviews

Owner of The Kids Book Group says Your Magical Laugh is one of the best books she has reviewed so far.

Book Reviews for Your Magical Laugh from

5.0 out of 5 stars Your Magical Laugh, January 12, 2013

Wonderful book great art work and easy to read. Good subject matter and resolution. Your Magical Laugh is fun to read .

5.0 out of 5 stars What a great find!, July 13, 2012

This book is so sweet and beautifully illustrated. Also, with such a wonderful message I truly enjoy reading this to my nephew and niece, they just love it!

5.0 out of 5 stars Great book that brought a huge smile to my face, July 13, 2012

By Chedda - See all my reviews

With a baby on the way, my wife and I have been looking for children’s books. During our search we came across this wonderful story. It is filled with beautiful pictures and a great message. This one is definitely set to be a cherished childhood book for our new one.

Denise Mistich

Denise is an author as well as spiritual mentor to many people. She writes from her heart to help little ones find their way in life.
 March 6, 2013  Posted by at 5:03 pm Featured Books Tagged with: , , , ,  Add comments