Get Patriotic


Get Patriotic - The Little Kid's Book About Being a Good CitizenThe Little Kid’s Book About Being a Good Citizen

We’re very excited about our new Get Patriotic books! More importantly, we’re very excited about publishing children’s books that will help them understand the importance of a nation following the guidance of God.

Note: For older children, grades 1 through 3, check out The Great Majestic Fortress.


What does it mean to get patriotic, does wearing colors of our flag make you true? Those colors represent your patriotism, but what does patriotism mean to you?

Be is the answer that you seek. Be is the special key. Be is the way to love one’s nation, so let’s look at the word: Be.

Get Patriotic  - American Edition

Get Patriotic  - Canadian Edition

Find out more about getting patriotic, good citizenship and our plans for this wonderful book for kids!

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