Nov 182012

In this story, from The Creative Creation series, Tommy and his family learn the importance of recycling as they pay more attention to God’s creation and their responsibilities as stewards. More importantly, Tommy is learning what recycling has to do with babies.

A Recycling Project with Mom

There were only a few days left before Tommy’s baby sister was supposed to arrive and the little family of three, almost four, was very busy making things wonderful for her. Tommy had finally decided having a little sister would be a good thing, or at least an ok thing, and he was helping his mom every day while she cleaned the floors and the bathrooms. All the laundry had been folded and sorted and put away neatly and the nursery was decorated with pink polka dots. Tommy was glad he was not a girl, because he really didn’t like pink. He liked the blue in his room much better, but his white curtains had been a bit of a problem for him ever since the night of the Oogie Boogie video games.

Tommy’s sixth birthday was coming soon and he was thinking about the goldfish he wanted for his room. His friend, Trevor, had goldfish, but not the kind you eat, the kind that swim around and around and around in a little tank with plants and air bubbles. Trevor said the cat might eat this kind, but he wouldn’t dare.

“Yuck,” Tommy said, “these big pink dots look just like that upset tummy medicine.” Mommy chuckled while she placed lots of little tiny clothes into a little chest of drawers. Little soft, tiny cotton diapers were there too. “Trevor’s mom uses sposable diapers.” Tommy said.

“Disposable diapers,” Mommy said. “I might use them some Tommy, but I prefer to stay home with you. That means I have to save money. Besides, these are healthier for babies and much better for the environment. The less garbage we make, the healthier our babies will be.”

“Why?” Tommy didn’t understand how garbage had anything to do with babies. “That makes no sense,” he thought to himself.

“Hmmm,” Mommy wondered out loud. She could tell by his little wrinkled forehead, he was confused. “Maybe you and I need to start a recycling project together after the baby is born. That way, while we recycle, we can learn together what things we should put into the earth and what things we should not.”

“Ok,” Tommy said. He still didn’t understand, but a recycling project with his mommy sounded like fun. Just last weekend, he and Daddy had repaired the birdhouse in the park across the street. That had been lots of fun. Maybe this recycling business would be fun too!

Taking Care of the Birds Again!

After everything was put away neatly in the nursery, Mommy went down the stairs and into the kitchen to make dinner. Daddy popped his head in the back door of their little townhouse and looked inside to see if Tommy was around. “He’s upstairs,” Mommy said.

“Good,” he walked in the door carrying a large box with a big blue ribbon on top. “It’s the aquarium,” he said. “Where can I hide it?”

“Put it on the shelf over the washing machine,” she replied. “He can’t see up there.”

Tommy came down the stairs and gave his dad, who was now sitting at their dining room table trying not to give away his big secret, a bear hug. “Do we have time to go check on the birdhouse?” Tommy asked, just like he had every day for the past week.

“Sure,” his mom and dad said at the same time. “But don’t be too long,” Mommy added.

The birdhouse was still standing tall and strong, just like Daddy had said. The momma bluebird and her five little babies were still there, safe and sound. “I wish she could live in my room,” Tommy said, “but…I guess I’ll have to settle for some goldfish.”

recyclingDaddy winked and grinned at Tommy, who was obviously dropping a big hint about his birthday present. “Ok Tommy, we have just enough time to take a walk around the pond.” They left the little birds alone again and walked toward the middle of the park. The sun was beginning to disappear, but it was still light enough for them to see the ducks and a couple of strange looking white birds.

“Those white birds look just like the silly birds at the beach,” Tommy said. “Remember? They flew all around our heads when we ate our sandwiches, Daddy.”

“I remember,” Dad said. “Look at that one, Tommy.” Tommy looked where his dad was pointing. The strange looking bird had something strange looking in its beak.

“Is he supposed to eat that?” Tommy asked. The bird was holding a plastic cup lid and just sat there looking kind of weird.

“No,” Daddy said. “He shouldn’t eat plastic, Tommy.” He walked toward the bird, who quickly dropped his plastic treasure and flew away. He didn’t fly very far away though and Tommy thought he must be waiting for them to take out a sandwich. “I really wish people wouldn’t throw their garbage on the ground,” Daddy said as he stooped to pick up the lid, along with a plastic bag, a straw, a gum wrapper and some foil. He walked a few steps to a garbage can and tossed it in. Then, he closed the lid and wiped his hands on his jeans. “They should have a recycling bin here,” Dad said.

“Mommy and I are going build a recycle after the baby is born,” Tommy proudly informed his dad. He still didn’t understand, but he could tell garbage and recycling was important to his dad too.

“That’s a good idea, Tommy. God gave us this beautiful earth and he gave us these beautiful animals. We should learn to take better care of them, so they’ll have healthy babies.”

“Ok,” Tommy said. His forehead was wrinkled again and he was thinking about the next few days, when he would visit Grandma and Grandpa while Mommy and Daddy went to get the baby. He had a list of questions for his grandpa already stored up in his little head. A few more questions about garbage and recycling and babies wouldn’t hurt at all.

“Hey Dad,” Tommy said on their way home, “I would take really good care of God’s goldfish.”

“That was a good one, Tommy,” Daddy said with a crooked smile.

“And their babies, too.” Tommy said.

Denise Mistich

Denise is an author as well as spiritual mentor to many people. She writes from her heart to help little ones find their way in life.