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With Halloween fast approaching, to be followed by Thanksgiving, I thought I’d read up on the nutritional value of pumpkins. I’m not only a health journalist, I’m also the Atlanta Ambassador for the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution. This global movement was launched by the British chef to bring attention to the need for healthy eating by people all over the planet.

So, what did I learn about pumpkins? Well, if I was a teacher, I would grade pumpkins as A++… and I think Jamie would, too.

This humble vegetable is low in calories but very high in Vitamin A – when you eat it, your eyes will thank you because it is good for your vision.

It also has a lot of Vitamins C and E. Remember, the ACEs are the anti-oxidants and they fight those bad guys, The Free Radicals, that can do a lot of damage in your body.

And for goodness sake, don’t throw away those pumpkin seeds when you and the kids are carving your jack-o-lantern! Those slimy seeds can be rinsed in a little water and roasted in the oven for a delicious snack that is full of essential amino acids and minerals that can help your family have healthy bones.

Speaking of pumpkins, don’t forget to include some funny stories for kids during your Halloween festivities. Rodney Evans’ delightful tale about a magic pumpkin that poots and pops is sure to bring out the giggles and laughter. “The Flatulent Pumpkin” goes perfectly with those delicious and healthy roasted pumpkin seeds. Read more about it at Apple Pie Books.

Find more delicious, healthy recipes for pumpkin seeds!

And for some really delicious pumpkin recipes, take a look at these.


Margery Phelps

Born in Atlanta; majored in Journalism and Accounting in college; after my Mom was killed by prescription drugs for asthma in 1990 (yes, she was using them properly), I turned to my love of writing and research to understand why a brilliant medical and scientific illustrator could succomb to a medical treatment. Since then, I've published five books on health issues, in addition to a novel. I'm on a mission to improve the nutrition of children because prevention of disease starts at the mouth.