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Kids with cancer suffer from a lot more than physical illness. As a matter of fact, the physical part is most likely a drop in the bucket compared to the fear and anxiety they feel. Each child wonders “why me,” and their question goes unanswered.

They suffer the normal childhood and teen aged issues such as peer pressure and bullying to a degree that has the potential to destroy their emotions for life if the proper support isn’t given.

Kids with cancer need a lot more than just physical treatment. They need the love and support of friends and family like they never had before, and hopefully, never will again.

kids with cancerKids with Cancer Need A Network of Support

Mary Fam, one of the authors on our team suffered from cancer as a child, then again as an adult. She faithfully delivers the message that the love of a child’s family, coupled with faith in God is what saved her life.

Her story is one of courage and hope and she willingly shares it through her testimony and through her books. She offers encouragement for the ones who suffer, not only because of the disease, but because of the fact that they feel different and those differences present an entirely new set of challenges, especially in the teen years.

Mary Prays for Kids with Cancer

Mary is a professional educator and mother of two small children. Her priorities are to love those children and she does that well.

But she has a strong desire to reach out to kids with cancer and what better way to do it than through prayer? If you know a child or teenager who suffers, please print this prayer for kids with cancer from Mary and give it to them.

There is no medicine and no counseling that can top the power of prayer and the love one feels when they come to the realization that somebody out there cares!

Resources for Kids with Cancer

Cancer Kids is a wonderful place to tell your story.

The National Children’s Cancer Society is a wonderful site with resources and encouragement for kids with cancer.

Denise Mistich

Denise is an author as well as spiritual mentor to many people. She writes from her heart to help little ones find their way in life.
 November 3, 2012  Posted by at 12:29 pm Story Time, Tips for Parents and Teachers Tagged with: , , , , , ,  Add comments