Nov 162012

Reading to kids is as important now as ever, even in the age of technology. There are so many reasons why you should still curl up with a good book…together.

Of course, there is mental and intellectual development that comes from reading to kids. What you put into your child’s mind will stay there for life.

There is also the simple pleasure of cuddling up together and you can strengthen your relationship with your children by spending time together in a good book.

Reading to kids enhances basic speech and communication skills and sets children on a successful path.

The look and feel of a nice children’s book strikes interesting and fun interaction between you and your child so go ahead, get a book and curl up with your little ones. It is something you will never regret and they will never forget.

Reading to kids is extremely important and what you read to them is even more important. Choose carefully what you put into your child’s mind.


Reading to Kids - Redbook.

Why Reading is Important - Early Moments


Denise Mistich

Denise is an author as well as spiritual mentor to many people. She writes from her heart to help little ones find their way in life.
 November 16, 2012  Posted by at 8:00 am Tips for Parents and Teachers Tagged with:  Add comments