Nov 192013

Since the invention of the printing press, the ability for authors to share a wealth of information has transcended our previous archaic ways. In the 21st century or so, authors and readers alike have been introduced to a new type of delivery tool for the written word. These electronic books, or e-books, have made a substantial push to be a part of our lives and offer us a new perspective on how we interact with the information presented.

Though a trending phenomenon, products like the Kindle, iPad and Nook show us that it is a method not likely to die out any time soon. A writer’s mantra is to publish or perish, so keeping up with the time is an important safeguard against becoming a literary dinosaur. E-books are being produced at an incredible rate and you can find just about anything that a library holds and yet, only with a click or tap away. The convenience and reliability of these types of books is quickly making it the norm.

The question some may wonder is how this new and exciting way to read is affecting our children’s education. The benefits of using e-books as a learning tool for children are numerous as well as endless. E-books, whether used in the car, at home or even in the classroom have shown positive results.

The educational as well as the entertainment factors are very apparent as e-books gain in popularity. When it comes to children, the most valuable asset e-books carry is through their ability to directly interact with the child. This opens doors that weren’t possible roughly 15 years ago.

A problem many children face is the pronunciation of words and their definitions. With things such as a read along feature, children are able to face problems as they encounter them. Hearing the words being read to them as they follow along gives the proper sounds needed for the usage of the words on their own. Another problem directly faced is the process of looking up definitions. By just highlighting the word they are able to have instant access to the definitions and meaning of a word not known before.

Immersive soundtracks also include a sense of deeper realism created by the stories themselves. Soundtracks provide an auditory stimulation that keeps kids focused on the reading. Some e-books even allow a child to participate in the stories by including various activities that may divert boredom. This allows for a practical approach to retaining the knowledge gained from the experience itself.

Most importantly the parents interaction with their children is of a more intense and vigilant way of participating in a child’s education. The e-book creates more viable options of participation than the standard book. Enjoying all the features I described together tends to create a more diverse atmosphere on a relatable level. However, making sure that entertainment comes secondary to education can also be adjusted with typical devices settings.

Though the printed word is not quite out of the picture, it should be interesting to see where we will go with reading next. Technology does not seem to be slowing down and so authors will continue to adjust. Perhaps one day the printed book will be only a memory that we reminisce about with our grandchildren.

Avid reader and freelance writer, Wesley Foldessy, contributed this article on behalf of Mooshka Dolls.

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 November 19, 2013  Posted by at 7:56 pm Tips for Parents and Teachers, Uncategorized  Add comments