Sep 292012

Free Christian stories for kids, The Creative Creation series, follows the adventures of a 5-year old boy as his family shares Biblical wisdom with him through every day life situations.

The Creative Creation is actually a blog with free Christian stories for kids, and is based on the book of Genesis.  God created the earth and everything in it. One the seventh day, He rested from His work of creating. Mankind was given dominion and responsibility over the creation and still has it today.

These free Christian stories for kids walk children through their role and responsibility toward  God’s creation in a fun way, teaching them they create with their words, attitudes and deeds.

The way we treat each other, the things we put into the earth, and the words that come out of our mouths create. Think about it, pray about it and share it with your children. The book is coming soon!

If you can’t find what you need, consider Ministry To Children’s free Christian stories for kids.  It is difficult to find the truth, especially on the net, and my hat is off to Tony and his team of authors and illustrators for their hard work and, more importantly, for telling the truth through free Christian stories for kids. After all, it is what we are commissioned to do.

Ministry To Children is a wonderful website ministry with the single goal of reaching out with free Christian stories for kids, free coloring pages and a wide variety of good, wholesome content.

As a webmaster, author, publisher (and a caregiver) I know all too well, what a tremendous amount of time and effort have gone into creating this wonderful ministry tool. Please take a look and see if you can’t find something there to help you teach your children or students about God.

This page, for example, hosts free Sunday school lessons, keeping in touch with the times and with the seasons.  There is more! Activities, craft ideas and free articles to inspire the young and the old are to be found where ever you click on the site, and it is not cluttered with hype and ads. On top of that, someone has an artistic flare!


Sep 212012

In researching the topic “What is citizenship?” for the purpose of writing this article, I found pretty much what I expected, no clear guidelines. There is a definition: the link between a person and a state or association of states, but what exactly does that mean?

Obviously, the answer to that question varies from state to state, or nation to nation as cultures differ drastically from one another. Expectations of government and family are not the same world-wide, yet one theme rings true across the globe, responsibility. Being a citizen of a certain nation can have its benefits but it also comes with a price and each person must be willing to pay that price in order for a culture to thrive. In some cultures, perhaps in most, it can be a heavy load.

Our Get Patriotic books teach those responsibilities for preschool and early readers in a fun and interesting way.

Our intention is clear: Being a good citizen means being what you were created to be with guidance from God and love from Jesus Christ. Every child needs to know God is on their side and is available to guide them throughout their lives. We believe this means sweet, sweet success for our children and thus, for our nation and even…our planet.

The topic of good citizenship is of importance to children about the world and our intention is to publish a Get Patriotic book for every country. We’re already in the US and Canada and our next goal…South America. After all, we are neighbors and our actions have an everlasting impact on the entire continent, or planet I should say. As we are learning in The Creative Creation series, our words and our actions matter and no one person can ever, possibly be excluded from that simple reality.  Truly, this is a tremendous responsibility when trying to walk without wisdom from God.

What Is Citizenship

(Definition from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)

Citizenship denotes the link between a person and a state or an association of states. It is normally synonymous with the term nationality although the latter term is sometimes understood to have ethnic connotations.[contradictory] Possession of citizenship is normally associated with the right to work and live in a country and to participate in political life. A person who does not have citizenship in any state is said to be stateless.

Nationality is often used as a synonym – notably in international law – although the term is sometimes understood as denoting a person’s membership of a nation.[1]

Sep 162012

Celebrating our differences, embracing new ideas and having the courage to make changes are learned behaviors. They are life skills we simply cannot live without.

Get the Idea Tree now, and begin to teach your children these valuable life skills.

This is the fantastical tale of the origin of “Fall” (Autumn) as the product of a single idea. The story resonates messages of confidence, courage, anti-bullying concepts and the encouragement to go forward with a “good idea”.

Vivid images and dazzling colours merge these ideas together and deliver an important and lasting culmination – Don’t be afraid to be different or to change! Know that the most significant changes can happen with just one good idea”.

Get the paperback edition to share with your friends and family, or get the kindle version here!



Aug 302012

Yes, I said it, “The Flatulent Pumpkin.”

This is the first in a series of Flatulent Pumpkin stories for kids! What’s in a name? Relax mom, no bad manners are promoted here! Only fun filled laughter for your kids, while they learn good morals from these hilarious stories.

About the Book

Stuck in the middle of almost nowhere is the little town of Darlinia a place where NOTHING ever happens, until today. Ten year old J.J. and the townspeople witness the strange and unpredictable farting of a gigantic, magical pumpkin. Curiosity turns to excitement when all of a sudden the pumpkin POPS! and J.J. disappears! The mayor, determined to get to the bottom of this phenomenon, looks to the sheriff, who shrieks in fright every time the pumpkin sounds off. Who will help J.J.? And what will the pumpkin do next? Learn and laugh as this innocent vegetable transforms life in Darlinia- one fart at a time.

Who is behind these wacky tales? Meet Rodney Evans, and his awesome team who helped him put together these wonderful stories with morals for kids.

Get the Paperback here!

Get the Kindle Version here!

More of Rodney’s Stories Are Coming Soon:

Case of the Plucked Chicken

You are not going to believe it when chickens traumatize ladies in the town of Darlinia. Out of nowhere plucked chickens start appearing in their kitchen waiting to be cooked. Where do these chickens come from and how did they get this “cook me NOW” attitude? No one will know until the sheriff cracks the case. You’ll laugh and smile but you’ll never look at chicken the same.

What are you having for dinner?

The Fart WHO Came to Dinner

An authentic tale of individuality, acceptance & gratitude. The most gracious, fun and hardworking person in the world turns out to be a ten-year old boy with a teensy problem. He’s so much fun all the children want to play with him. He’s so polite and respectful all the adults want him as their child. Why can’t he hear one very special thing about him? And why doesn’t he care? Find out how he wins everyone over and makes them smile, without even trying.

Gone With the Wind!

An instant heartwarming classic! Something has gone horribly wrong in the magical town of Darlinia. The teacher didn’t come back from lunch break. The kids investigate and discover that all of the adults in town are gone! The kids don’t think it has anything to do with the huge secrets they’ve been keeping, but could it? Did it have something to do with the strange noises? See what the children do when every adult vanishes. You’ll laugh and smile when you see the determination of a young person trigger the entire town’s appreciation for growing up, having fun and living life.

See more stories for kids available on Apple Pie Books, Great Books for Great Kids!

Aug 242012

As an Educator, I have taught students of all ages locally and abroad. I also serve my community as a Youth Mentor. In addition to my Master’s thesis/dissertation “The Social and Academic Effects of Bullying” (Fam, 2006), I have published various articles on teaching tools that promote student success and have been involved in curriculum development at elementary and secondary levels. I am a member of numerous educational organizations that specialize in professional development for teachers and excellence in Education.

In addition to having the second hardest job in the world, I am a mother to two beautiful boys, and a hyper, but darling golden retriever. My wonderful and supportive husband and family have made my authoring pursuits possible, whom without none of this would be possible.

Teaching has always been close to my heart as it has given me the opportunity to help students realize their potential and,  better yet, understand who they are and how that translates in the real world.  I have been teaching for close to 7 years, 3 of which were at the grade1-2 level, and the past 4 years I have been teaching Humanities at the high school level. Regardless of what level I have taught, I‘ve learned the key to student success is developing and implementing authentic and meaningful learning experiences.

“National Association of School Psychologists indicate that intrinsically motivated children retain more information because they are rewarding themselves when they partake in an activity or conversation that interests them; the information is fascinating to them, so they retain more of it than children being forced to partake in that activity. “ (NASP, 2003)

In my first children’s book, I try to achieve this by using inspiration from my own childhood. The Idea Tree is an endearing story for kids, as it shares the important message of celebrating our differences.

Think back to when you were younger, I am sure you, like most kids have been teased at one point or another about something. As of late, the media has exhibited the bullying tyrants of children all over the world. So the message of accepting others for their differences is one that not only is essential to spread but one that will resonate undoubtedly in the hearts of the young and old.  Growing up in the 80’s in a suburb 20 km outside Toronto, Canada, I was your average kid, hooked on pop rocks and “Thundercats”.  All was pretty normal with me, until about the age of 15, when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. After a year of intensive chemotherapy and other cancer treatment delights, I was left with an angry “Why ME?” chip on my shoulder and a shiny head. To say the least, spontaneous banishment to the “island of misfits” pretty much killed my social life as well as what was the prime of my teenage years. That year was one of the loneliest of my life but what kept me going was my amazing family and the incredible teachers who volunteered to home school me so that I wouldn’t lose the year.  After a full recovery, I had a new mission in life, one of eternal gratitude, humility, and appreciation.

All was well until about two years ago,  right after I turned 30, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, a complete shocker, but another reminder that one is never completely immune, and that life does indeed hand you lemons at times, but nothing beats a cold glass of lemonade.  Despite the cancer being at a stage 4, threatening to leave me voiceless, and ultimately ending my teaching career, I had an excellent team of doctors who quickly remedied me, allowing me to carry on the very normal life I lead today with slightly worn body, a strong mind and an amplified soul.

Through the grace of God and my experience, I have come to appreciate every day as a gift and another opportunity to find purpose in life and make a difference. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and while I am not completely privy to the reasoning behind some of my experiences, I know this — I am still here to share my ideas in the hopes that they make a positive and lasting difference.


National Association of School Psychologists. (2003). Motivating Learning in Young Children. Retrieved August 23, 2012, from National Association of School Psychologists:

Aug 242012

I had the pleasure of reviewing The Idea Tree by Mary Elizabeth Fam, and I highly recommend it.

Celebrating our differences, embracing new ideas and having the courage to make changes are learned behaviors, life skills we simply cannot live without.

Mary teaches these skills in this wonderfully written and illustrated book, using the changing colors of the fall season.

I can honestly recommend The Idea Tree for kids of all ages and, personally, I gave it the 5-star rating! Quite frankly, this would make a beautiful coffee table book for the fall season!

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