Sep 212012

Book - The Stars Twinkle BrightlyThe Stars Twinkle Brightly by Mary Elizabeth Fam of Apple Pie Books is  a Children’s Story about Cancer.

The story, told from the perspective of an eight year old boy, offers encouragement to kids as well as resources for parents!

You can purchase The Stars Twinkle Brightly in paperback, or for only $1.99 get the electronic copy.

If you know a child in need, who does not have the resources to purchase the book, please contact Mary Fam directly.  She wants to help.

You can download and print a free prayer for kids with cancer here.

The Stars Twinkle Brightly

A Children’s Story About Cancer

Mary Fam, author of The Idea Tree, Author/Illustrator of this delightful book and a two-time cancer survivor shares her first hand account of the challenges faced in Childhood Cancers.

The Stars Twinkle Brightly is the story of an eight-year-old boy who discovers he has cancer. Mary transforms an otherwise unpleasant topic into an uplifting and useful resource for parents and children dealing with cancer. The boy’s triumph over cancer, leaves the reader feeling joyful and comforted and serves as a testimony to the power of perseverance and love.

The story promises to provide a positive perspective on the many negatives of childhood cancer. The illustrations, give life to the boy’s courage and determination in a colorful and cheerful way!

“A chance to make a child battling cancer smile, is a chance not to be missed”. - Mary Fam

Denise Mistich

Denise is an author as well as spiritual mentor to many people. She writes from her heart to help little ones find their way in life.
 September 21, 2012  Posted by at 2:17 pm Books for Kids Tagged with: , , , ,  Add comments